Pricing + Services


Private, in-home dog training and behavior consultations, $75/lesson

COVID-19 Notice. I am fully vaccinated for COVID-19. If you are fully vaccinated I am happy to work with you in-home with or without a mask.


Request a Call\Contact, phone or email

Free — The initial phone call or email is free. Tis both of us a chance to review your training needs, goals and determine if I’m the right trainer for you and your dog. Based on that call I may direct you to complete the intake form when you are ready to start.

Intake Form

Free — The intake form should be completed when you are ready to start training. Based on the information you provide on the intake form, I may schedule a phone call in advance to go over the details and settle on our first lesson date and time.

First Zoom or in-home meeting

$75 — We schedule a time and location for the meeting. During this meeting, I’ll be observing your dog and you to get a better understanding of your relationship and the pain points. I’ll gather more information and begin basic work. This is your chance to interview me, watch my work, and decide if I’m the trainer for you. This lesson is generally 1.5 hours long.

Individual lessons

Personal: $75/lesson — each lesson is approximately 1- 2 hours in length. During that time period, the lesson includes working with you and your dog together, coaching you as the handler on different techniques, and answering questions. The lesson is as much, if not more, about teaching you to work with your dog, as it is actually doing things with your dog. During this time I work on providing you the skills to carry on the training between lessons.


You will need a 6 ft leash and flat collar to start. I use long lines in the 15 ft range and will more than likely recommend you purchase one. Please review the FAQ and Resource pages for information and specifications about different equipment before you purchase anything.

GRC Dogsports
Certified Social Responsibility Judge

Judging fee: call for pricing — I am a certified Social Responsibility judge for GRC Dogsports, and currently the only one in the State of Florida and South Georgia. I can help you start a club, discuss membership, assist with training your dogs, and coach you through the rules of the different events.